Letters From Our Clients

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“Aug 2, 2016 John Baier, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for your professionalism and honesty as well as your knowledge of boat brokerage. As I previously mentioned I allowed my local marina, who serviced the boat, to put my boat on the market. Since dealing with you I now know that was a fatal mistake. My mistake was giving it to a marina whose main objective was to maintain boats; not to sell boats. My local marina informed me that numerous people looked at the boat but unfortunately that was not truthful. When speaking to a friend who worked at the marina it turns out that after having the boat for 2 years the marina misinformed me and had only shown the boat to 1 person, who actually just wanted to compare an Egg Harbor to a Sea Ray. Upon seeing the boat, you recognized […]
“Dear Mr. Peterson, It has been said that the happiest days of a man’s life are the days he buys a boat and then sells the boat. I have been in boating for over 50 years and have enjoyed the many pleasure of buying and selling several boats. I am writing to say our recent purchase of an Ocean Alexander 43 through you was a testimony to this nautical tradition. Thank you! Our purchase was challenging as the boat was involved in a difficult probate involving heirs, attorneys, documentation requirements, a short turn around and a very nervous wife. Your manner both in working with us to navigate these challenges, as well as the patience you demonstrated, was refreshing. From our first contact to our most recent, my wife and I have always felt you were truly concerned about maintaining a very high level of professionalism while addressing all of […]
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“Joe, We are having a great time with Nebbia…had her out at least five times now. Janet and I really appreciated how thorough you were, first in identifying what we wanted in a sailboat. Your extensive sailing experience certainly assisted us in narrowing the field. After identifying the boat, your diligence in scheduling the inspections and obtaining all of the answers to our questions expedited the process and calmed our nerves. Finally, the very fact that you follow up with us to ensure that we are happy with our investment speaks volumes about the your interest and commitment to the clients that you represent. We most certainly will refer you to anyone who expresses an interest in making a boat purchase. (We are also thoroughly enjoying Capt Steve – I promise to contact you the next time we schedule a sailing outing.)” Best Regards, Eric Ziedrich To whom it may […]
“Hi Skip, I want to thank you for the great job you did getting my much beloved old woodie GRAND CRU transitioned to a new owner. I have known John Baier since I bought the boat in 1999, so when it became time to sell I headed first to Oceanic, knowing that an old woodie, even one in the great shape this one was in, would be a difficult sale in todays market.. As you know we met through a mutual friend, another GB owner, so when I was ready I called you. You simplified a many faceted procedure and made it seem a lot easier than it really is. You put together a great listing for the internet complete with loads of pictures that showed off the boat to maximum effect. You even indulged me when I requested a higher asking price than you and Oceanic suggested. After a […]